Microsoft Word - Text - Advanced Woodworking

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Name:____ Date:_____

Project:____Current Grade:

Grading Scale: 1= Poor 2= Needs work 3= Good 4= Well done 5= Excellent

Grading Notes: Plus sign (+) = progressing saƟsfactory, work complete, demonstrates competence.
Zero (0) = no progress evident, needs improvement, demonstrates lack of understanding.
Minus sign (‐) = conƟnued failure to show progress, does not follow instrucƟon, incompetence.

Project Planning

A. Portfolio Preparation    (week   1)..................................................................................... 

  1. Work agreement: _____
    (Typed work agreement with personal work ethic code and commitment signed by parent and
    student, Valley Oaks expectaƟons, teacher signature, current date, target date of compleƟon)

  2. Company name: _____

  3. Logo: _____

B. Idea samplers    (week   2)..................................................................................................    

  1. Ideas: _____
    (Magazine clippings, photographs, computer images, catalog adverƟsements of desired project)

C. Standard title block (week   3)........................................................................................  

  1. Margin framing: _____
    (Thick, black lines, ½” from edge of paper, uniform lines)

  2. InformaƟon block: _____
    (To be used on every page of porƞolio: Logo and/or company name, name,
    class name, date, project Ɵtle, scale, page number)

D. Pictorial Sketch (week   4)...............................................................................................   

  1. Rough sketch: _____
    (Isometric or pictorial sketch of project)

E. Drafting sketches    (week   5)............................................................................................  

  1. Three Views: _____

  2. Overall Dimensions: _____

  3. Important Notes: _____
    (Labeling, joinery notes, hardware notes, wood type notes)

F. Overall work ethic.......................................................................................................... 
(Daily work ethic evaluaƟon: CooperaƟon, diligence, and behavior)

Progress Check Total:

Grade Report:

□ Missing Prompts
□ Low Test Scores
□ Undeveloped Project PreparaƟon

□ Project Plans do not meet draŌing standards
□ Project construcƟon lacks progress
□ Overall Work Ethic needs improvement



Sample Ideas

Title Block

Pictorial Sketch

DraŌing Sketch

Work Ethic

Appendix: Project Check 1

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