Microsoft Word - Text - Advanced Woodworking

(Jacob Rumans) #1


Name:____ Date:_____

Project:____Current Grade:

Grading Scale: 1= Poor 2= Needs work 3= Good 4= Well done 5= Excellent

Grading Notes: Plus sign (+) = progressing saƟsfactory, work complete, demonstrates competence.
Zero (0) = no progress evident, needs improvement, demonstrates lack of understanding.
Minus sign (‐) = conƟnued failure to show progress, does not follow instrucƟon, incompetence.

Project Construction (weeks 16-20)

S. Project Difβiculty.............................................................................................................. 

  1. Difficulty of project: _____
    (1=basic woodworking skills required. 2=few advanced skills required. 3=moderate
    advanced skills required. 4=advanced skills required. 5=skilled craŌsmanship required)
    T. Safety Awareness.............................................................................................................

  2. Safety guidelines: _____
    (Follows the rules of the shop, uses tools safely, is proacƟve and consciences)

  3. AƩenƟon to safety: _____
    (Remains focused on work, is not a distracƟon to others, is aware of safety methods)
    U. Project Preparation.....................................................................................................

  4. DraŌing plans: _____
    (Plan modificaƟons updated, quality improvements made, work is complete)

  5. Porƞolio: _____
    (Complete: cover with logo, work agreement with work ethic, plans, lists, and schedule)
    V. Project Construction ......................................................................................................

  6. Lumber cut quality: _____
    (Dimensions of cut stock match plans, mill marks, burns, pencil marks)

  7. Progress of work: _____
    (ConstrucƟon is progressing at an acceptable rate)

  8. EffecƟve joinery: _____
    (Joints are strong, clean, and smooth. Proper growth ring usage)

  9. Surface preparaƟon: _____
    (Careful aƩenƟon to surface preparaƟon. No dents, scratches, mill marks, burns, etc.)

  10. Project knowledge: _____
    (Understands overall cut layout, desired joinery methods, assembly process)
    W. Tool Usage .........................................................................................................................

  11. Tool usage: _____
    (Skillful, efficient, safe, and thoughƞul use of tools, growth in applying new tool applicaƟons and methods)
    X. Overall work ethic............................................................................................................

  12. Progress: _____
    (CorrecƟons/updates made to porƞolio. Progress Check  1 ‐ 3  correcƟons made. Showing
    sufficient progress on work. On task to meet deadlines)

  13. Work Ethic: _____
    (Daily work ethic evaluaƟon: CooperaƟon, diligence, and behavior)

Progress Check Total:
Grade Report:

□ Missing Prompts
□ Low Test Scores
□ Undeveloped Project PreparaƟon

□ Project Plans do not meet draŌing standards
□ Project construcƟon lacks progress
□ Overall work ethic needs improvement





Tool Usage

Work Ethic


Appendix: Project Check 4

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