124 Rock masses: deformability, strength and failure
0246 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
3L (fracture frequency), rn-I
48.2 For the unfractured and fractured stratified rock mass geo-
metries described in 48.1, develop expressions for the composite
shear modulus of a rock mass, G,, using a shear stress t and the
parameters ti, Gi, Ai, and Gdi.
A8.2 Unfractured strata
We are investigating the case of simple shear. If we consider the dis-
placement of the rock under the action of a shear stress, we can consider
y and 6 as in the sketch below.
Using these definitions, for small 6, the engineering shear strain of
each unit can be written as y = t/G x 6/t, and so the shear deformation
of a single unit of intact rock is 6, = t,(t/G,), with the total shear
deformation being given by 6T = E, 6, = E, t,(t/G,). Providing 6~ is
sufficiently small to allow small angle approximations, then the total
shear strain is
6T El: I
L Cti
and as a result the rock mass shear modulus is given by
I t t