Engineering Rock Mechanics

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Symbols used in this book xv

Symbol Quantity Nameof SIunit Dimensions
SI unit of unit

(Y angle, specifically dip radian, rad;
direction of a plane or degree, deg
trend of a line
B angle, specifically dip radian, rad;
angle of a plane or plunge degree, deg
of a line
BW orientation angle of plane radian, rad;
of weakness degree, deg
Y shear strain 1 LO
Y unit weight kg s-~ m-2 L-~MT-~

ax' ay' az
Al, Sx, Sy, Sz increment of distance, m L

--- a a a partial differential operator

linear strain

fracture frequency
Poisson's ratio
kinematic viscosity
stress tensor
normal stress
principal stress
uniaxial compressive
principal horizontal stress
uniaxial tensile strength
shear stress
angle of friction

friction angle of plane of
hydraulic conductivity of a
Young's modulus
fracture aperture
elastic modulus of rock
shear modulus
shear modulus of rock
geological strength index
hydraulic gradient
asperity angle

stress invariants
constant of proportionality
number of events
coeffiaent of permeability

radian, rad;
degree, deg

pascal, Pa
pascal, Pa
pascal, Pa
pascal, Pa

pascal, Pa
pascal, Pa

pascal, Pa
radian, rad;
degree, deg
radian, rad;
degree, deg

pascal, Pa

pascal, Pa

pascal, Pa

newton, N
pascal, Pa
pascal, Pa

1 LO

m-' L-'
1 -
m2 s-I L~T-~
kg m-3 L-3M
N m-2, m-l kg s-~ L-'MY
N m-2, m-I kg s-~ L-'MT-

N m-2, m-I kg s-' L-'MY

N m-2, kg s-~ L-' m-

N m-2, m-' kg ss2 L-' MT-
N m-2, m-I kg s-* L-1MT-

N m-2, m-I kg s-~ L-LMT-

m2 L
N m-2, m-I kg
m L T-I

L-' MT-~

radian, rad;
degree, deg

m2 L*
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