164 Anisotropy and inhomogeneity
together with the appropriate theoretical relation, are given below.
The first row in each table is the load measured in the new test.
The second row in each table is the tensile strength of the rock as
measured by a standard method.
Classify each configuration in terms of accuracy and precision,
and hence recommend which configuration(s) should be retained
for further development.
Configuration I: strength = 0.049 x load
Load (N) 67.3 76.8 83.9 104.8 153.7 168.9 191.2 194.7 237.5 258.3
Strength(MPa) 4.2 4.8 5.2 6.5 9.6 10.6 11.7 12.2 14.6 16.1
Configuration 2 strength = 0.066 x load
Load (N)
Strength(MPa) 4.7 2.4 3.3 7.4 6.7 10.9 6.3 7.8 8.2 7.6
Configuration 3: strength = 0.074 x load
Load (N) 83.5 95.0 111.7 151.6 170.0 189.5 190.2 193.9 201.1 205.3
Strength(MPa) 6.1 7.1 8.3 11.4 12.7 13.8 14.3 14.3 14.9 15.3
Configuration 4 strength = 0.094 x load
Load (N) 68.9 105.3 106.2 120.1 148.5 164.8 197.4 220.5 232.8 236.9
Strength (MPa) 5.5 10.1 10.5 11.6 14.4 12.3 20.1 22.9 20.9 21.8
68.9 105.3 106.2 120.1 148.5 164.8 197.4 220.5 232.8 236.9
A10.4 In each of the test configurations, we should take tensile strength
(as listed in the second row of each table) as the independent variable,
because the load is being measured in the index test and we fit a line
of the form 'load = m x strength' to the data. If the fitted curve has a
different gradient to the theoretical relation, then the test is inaccurate:
there is bias in the results. If the fitted curve has a low coefficient of
determination, r2, there will be considerable spread about the fitted
curve, and so the test is imprecise. Thus, to classify each configuration a
straight line is fitted to the data, the slope of the line is compared to the
theoretical relation to determine the accuracy and the spread of results is
studied to determine the precision.
The test results are shown graphically below. In these plots the dots
represent the test results and the lines represent the theoretical relations.
Conjiguration 1: strength = 0.049 x load, or load = 20.41 x strength.
The best fit gives Ioad = 16.10 x strength and r2 = 0.999. The significant
difference between the gradients indicates that the test is inaccurate
whereas the large value of r2 indicates that it is precise.
The best fit gives load = 23.37 x strength and r2 = 0.221. The test is
inaccurate and imprecise.
The best fit gives loud = 13.47 x strength and r2 = 0.999. The test is
accurate and precise.
The best fit gives load = 10.54 x strength and r2 = 0.930. The test is
accurate but not very precise.
Configuration 3 is the best because it is accurate and precise. Configura-
tion 1 is precise, but its inaccuracy means that an adjustment will have to
Configuration 2: strength = 0.066 x load, or load = 15.15 x strength.
CoEfiguration 3: strength = 0.074 x load, or load = 23.51 x sfrength.
Configuration 4: strength = 0.094 x load, or load = 10.64 x strength.