Engineering Rock Mechanics

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Questions 2.1 -2.1 0:

geological setting

42.1 The picture in Fig. Q2.1 shows a limestone slope above a highway
in Spain. Comment briefly on the geological factors that could influence
rock slope stability at this location.

42.2 The picture in Fig. Q2.2 shows the surface of a fault in a hard rock
aggregate quarry on which a rock slide has occurred. Explain
(a) why the existence of this fault could indicate that other similar
features will be encountered as quarrying continues, and
(b) why encountering an adverse geological feature such as this is likely
to be less significant in a quarry than in a road cutting.

42.3 The picture in Fig. Q2.3 shows tooth marks from the bucket of a
mechanical excavator in the Carboniferous rocks of a near-surface slope

Figure Q2.1
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