Engineering Rock Mechanics

(Jacob Rumans) #1

462 Questions 15.1-75.10: excavation principles

Rock Mass Description (RMD)
Powdery or Friable ............... 10
Blocky ....................... 20
Totally massive ................. 50

Close (<0.1 m) .................. 10
Intermediate (0.1 to 1 m) ........... 20
Wide (>0.1 m) .................. 50

Horizontal .................... 10

Strike normal to face .............. 30
Dip into face ................... 40

SGI = (25SG - 50) where SG is in tonnes/m3

H = hardness on scale 1-10

Joint Plane Spacing UPS)

Joint Plane Orientation (JPO)

Dip out of face .................. 20

Specific Gravity Influence (SGI)

Hardness (H)

The value of the Blastability Index is given as

BI = 0.5 (RMD + JPS + JPO + SGI + H)

and the amount of explosive required is 0.004 BI in kg ANFO/t, which is
therefore a measure of specific energy.
(a) Calculate the specific energy that this index predicts for the follow-
ing conditions: a highly laminated, soft ferruginous shale with horizontal
to sub-horizontal bedding and BI rating values of RMD = 15, JPS = 10,
JPO = 10, SGI = 10, H = 1. With reference to the values discussed in
Q15.4, comment on the value obtained here.
(b) Comment on the advantages and disadvantages of this index.

415.7 The rock engineering systems (RES) approach has been used to
develop a comprehensive Blastability Designation (BD) index for rock
masses (Latham and Lu Ping, 1999), the purpose of which is to provide
a quantitative assessment of the resistance of a rock mass to blasting.
The index value is given as BD = WjRj where Wj is a parameter
weighting value, Rj is the parameter rating, with the summation over
the j parameters. Both the Wj and Rj values are evaluated for the rock
mass under consideration. The greater the value of BD, the more difficult
the rock is to blast. The twelve parameters used in the BD index are:
(1) strength (uniaxial compressive strength, UCS, MPa, also via Point

(2) resistance to fracturing (uniaxial tensile strength, a,, ma);
(3) sturdiness of the rock (density, p, t/m3);
(4) elasticity of rock (Young’s modulus, E, GPa);
(5) resistance of rock to dynamic loading (P-wave velocity, V,, km/s);
(6) hardness of rock (Schmidt rebound hardness value, SHV, rebound

(7) deformability (Poisson’s ratio, u , dimensionless);

Load Index);

height scale);
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