Questions and answers: strain and the theory of elasticity 61
45.2 The differential equations of force equilibrium were the subjed
of 43.9. The equivalent equations for displacement and strain are
the compatibility equations; these equations ensure that the normal
and shear strains are compatible, so that no holes, tears or other
discontinuities appear during straining. Show that the following
compatibility equation is valid.
a2e= a2e, a2Yv
ay2 ax2 axay’
A5.2 The strain is the rate of change of the displacement, u, so
au, au, au, au,
ax aY ay ax
E,, = -, E,, = -, and vxy = - + -.
Double partial differentiation of E,, = au,/ax and E,,, = au,/ay with
respect to y and x gives
a2&,, a3u, a2Eyy a3uy
ay2 axap ax2 ayax2.
-- - and - - -
Adding these,
The term in parentheses is the definition of yxy, and hence the right hand
side can be written as a2yx,/axay. Thus, we arrive at the compatibility
a2G, -+- a2eyy - a2yxy
ay2 ax2 axay‘
45.3 Draw a Mohr circle for strain, indicating what quantities are
on the two axes, how to plot a 2-D strain state, and the location of
the principal strains, el and e2.
A5.3 - y12 the principal strains
occur where the shear
strains are zero
E.u -
E, normal strain
the two ends of a Mohr’s
circle diameter represent
V (Eu’+Exy) a 2-D strain state
+ y/2, shear strain
45.4 Show why the shear modulus, Young’s modulus and Poisson’s
ratio are related as 0 = €/2(1 + w) for an isotropic material. This
equation holds for an isotropic material but not for an anisotropic