About the authors
Dr J.P. Harrison
John Harrison graduated in civil engineering from Imperial College,
University of London, and then worked for some years in the civil
engineering industry for both contracting and consulting organisations.
This was interspersed by studies leading to a Master’s degree, also from
Imperial College, in Engineering Rock Mechanics. He was appointed
Lecturer in Engineering Rock Mechanics at Imperial College in 1986,
then obtained his Ph.D. in 1993, and became Senior Lecturer in 1996.
He currently directs undergraduate and postgraduate teaching of en-
gineering rock mechanics within the Huxley School of the Environment,
Earth Sciences and Engineering. His personal research interests are in the
characterisation and behaviour of discontinuous rock masses, an exten-
sion of his earlier Ph.D. work at Imperial College on novel mathematical
methods applied to the analysis of discontinuity geometry.
Professor J.A. Hudson FREng
John Hudson graduated in 1965 from the Heriot-Watt University, U.K.
and obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota, U.S.A. He has
spent his professional career in engineering rock mechanics - as it
applies to civil, mining and environmental engineering - in consulting,
research, teaching and publishing and has been awarded the D.Sc.
degree for his contributions to the subject. In addition to authoring many
scientific papers, he edited the 1993 five-volume ”Comprehensive Rock
Engineering” compendium, and currently edits the International Journal
of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences.
From 1983 to the present, Professor Hudson has been affiliated with
Imperial College as Reader and Professor. He is also a Principal of Rock
Engineering Consultants, actively engaged in applying engineering rock
mechanics principles and techniques to relevant engineering practice
worldwide. In 1998, he was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Academy of
Engineering in the U.K.