The Wiley Finance Series : Handbook of News Analytics in Finance

(Chris Devlin) #1

Brad M. Barber and Terrance Odean

A different version of this chapter originally appeared inThe Review of Financial
Studies, 2008, 21 (2), 785–818. The current version includes additional material examin-
ing the asset-pricing implications of our model of attention-based buying but does not
include the theoretical model from the appendix of the original paper.


Attention is a scarce resource. When there are many alternatives, choices that attract
attention are more likely to be chosen. If the salient attributes of a choice are critical to
our utility, attention serves us well. If not, attention may lead to suboptimal choices. In
this chapter, we test the proposition that individual investors are more likely to buy,
rather than sell, those stocks that catch their attention. We posit that this is so because
attention affects buying behavior more than selling. When choosing which common
stocks to buy, investors face a huge search problem. There are thousands of possibilities.
It is impossible—without the aid of a computer—for most investors to evaluate the
merits of every available common stock. When selling, however, most investors consider
only stocks they already own. These are typically few in number and can be considered
one by one. While each investor does not buy every single stock that grabs his attention,
individual investors are more likely to buy attention-grabbing stocks than to sell them.
In contrast, institutional investors have more resources with which to search for stocks.
Furthermore, the search for stocks to purchase and stocks to sell is more symmetrical for
institutional investors because they hold large portfolios from which to sell and they
often sell short. We look at three proxies for how likely stocks are to catch investors’
attention: daily abnormal trading volume, daily returns, and daily news. We calculate
net buy–sell imbalances for more than 66,000 individual investors with accounts at a
large discount brokerage, 647,000 individual investors with accounts at a large retail
brokerage, 14,000 individual investor accounts at a small discount brokerage, and 43
professional money managers. Individual investors tend to be net purchasers of stocks

The Handbook of News Analytics in Finance Edited by L. Mitra and G. Mitra
#2011 John Wiley & Sons


All that glitters: The effect of attention and

news on the buying behavior of individual

and institutional investors

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