The Wiley Finance Series : Handbook of News Analytics in Finance

(Chris Devlin) #1

Cooper R.; Day T.; Lewis C. (2001) ‘‘Following the leader: A study of individual analysts’
earnings forecasts,’’Journal of Financial Economics, 61 (3), 383–416.
Daniel K.; Hirshleifer D.; Subrahmanyam A. (1998) ‘‘Investor psychology and security market
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Davies C. (2009)Quantamentals: Do Technicals Add Value?, Macquarie Quantitative Research.
DeBondt W.F.M.; Thaler R. (1985) ‘‘Does the stock market overreact?’’Journal of Finance, 40 ,
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Review, 80 (2), paper presented at theHundred and Second Annual Meeting of the American
Economic Association, May, pp. 52–57.
DellaVigna S.; Pollet J. (forthcoming) ‘‘Investor inattention and Friday earnings announce-
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Easterwood J.C.; Nutt S. (1999) ‘‘Inefficiency in analysts’ earnings forecasts: Systematic
misreaction or systematic optimism?’’Journal of Finance, 54 (5), 1777–1797.
Fehle F.; Zdorovtsov V. (2002)Large Price Declines, News, Liquidity and Trading Strategies: An
Intraday Analysis, Working Paper, University of South Carolina.
Francis J.; Schipper K.; Vincent L. (2002) ‘‘Expanded disclosures and the increased usefulness of
earnings announcements,’’The Accounting Review, 77 , 515–546.
Hirshleifer D.; Teoh S. (2003) ‘‘Herd behavior and cascading in capital markets: A review and
synthesis.’’European Financial Management, 9 (1), 25–66.
Hong H.; Lim T.; Stein J. (2000) ‘‘Bad news travels slowly: Size, analyst coverage, and the
profitability of momentum strategies,’’Journal of Finance, 55 , 265–295.
Hong H.; Stein J.C. (1999) ‘‘A unified theory of underreaction, momentum trading and
overreaction in asset markets,’’Journal of Finance, 54 , 2143–2184.
Ivkovic Z.; Jegadeesh N. (2004) ‘‘The timing and value of forecast and recommendation
revisions,’’Journal of Financial Economics, 73 (3), 433–463.
Jegadeesh N.; Titman S. (1993) ‘‘Returns to buying winners and selling losers: Implications for
stock market efficiency,’’Journal of Finance, 48 , 65–91.
Kim C.F.; Lee S.; Pantzalis C. (2008) ‘‘Analyst forecast inefficiency in reaction to earnings news:
Cognitive bias vs. economic incentives,’’ unpublished.
Lau B. (2007)The Macquarie Sentiment Indicator, Macquarie Quantitative Research.
Lau B. (2009)Earnings Revisions Impact: Analysts that Move the Market, Macquarie Quantitative
Leinweber D. (2009)Nerds on Wall Street: Math, Machines and Wired Markets, John Wiley &
Lumsdaine R. (2009) ‘‘What the market watched: Bloomberg news stories and bank returns as the
financial crisis unfolded,’’ unpublished working paper, American University.
Moniz A. (2009) Quantamentals: Exploiting Dividend Uncertainty, Macquarie Quantitative
Moniz A. (2009)Quantamentals: Arming Models with Industry-specific Data, Macquarie Quanti-
MonizA. (2010)Quantamentals: Refining Short Interest, Macquarie Quantitative Research.
Nofsinger J. (2001) ‘‘The impact of public information on investors,’’Journal of Banking and
Finance, 25 , 1339–1366.
Patell J.; Wolfson M. (1984) ‘‘The intraday speed of adjustment of stock prices to earnings and
dividend announcements,’’Journal of Financial Economics, 13 , 223–252.
Peng L.; Xiong W. (2006) ‘‘Investor attention, overconfidence and category learning,’’Journal of
Financial Economics, 80 , 563–602.
Penman S. (1987) ‘‘The distribution of earnings news over time and seasonalities in aggregate
stock returns,’’Journal of Financial Economics, 18 , 199–228.

The impact of news flow on asset returns: An empirical study 229
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