The Wiley Finance Series : Handbook of News Analytics in Finance

(Chris Devlin) #1

optimization process that fits forecasts from the risk model to observable analogs among
the state variables. For example, we can currently observe the value of the VIX (see
Figure 10.2), a financial contract traded on the expected volatility of the S&P 500 stock
index. If the VIX is currently trading at 60, and the average value of the VIX was 20
during the period of estimation of the risk model we might believe that the element of the
scaling vector that corresponds to volatility of the US stock market should have a value
of somewhere between 1 and 3 (60/20).
To the extent that the risk model will have many interdependent parts, the selection of
values for each element in the scaling vector is a jointly dependent process. For factor
models, our choices must be such that the numerically equivalent full covariance matrix
are positive semi-definite and asset-specific risks are positive.

10.5 Conclusions

Recognizing and responding to changes in the level of risk of financial instruments and
financial markets is an essential survival skill for investors in a competitive world: ‘‘To
finish first, you first must finish.’’ Measuring the volume and sentiment of information
being delivered to financial market participants is an ideal way to promptly adjust our
expectations of risks over short horizons. News is the very essence of answering the
question, ‘‘How are things different now than they usually are?’’
However, the incorporation of news and other state variables into our assessments of
risk means that we must address some of the important statistical complexities of
financial asset returns and utilize a framework which optimally uses the information
we are able to obtain. Such methods have been put forward and are available to
investors for use in their risk assessment procedures.
Utilization of news analytics in risk assessment also brings its own dangers. News
analytics effectively brings greater ability to assess changes in absolute risk levels over
short time horizons, but it also brings the temptation to focus the risk management
process on these newly refined measures, irrespective of whether such measures are the
most relevant to our actual financial circumstances.

Using news as a state variable in assessment of financial market risk 253

Figure 10.2.US stock market implied volatility.

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