The Wiley Finance Series : Handbook of News Analytics in Finance

(Chris Devlin) #1

Arena M.; Howe J. (2008) ‘‘A face can launch a thousand shares (and a 0.80% abnormal return),’’
Journal of Behavioral Finance. 9 (3), 107–116.
Barber B.; Loeffler D. (1993) ‘‘The ‘dartboard’ column: Second-hand information and price
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Barber B.; Odean T. (2008) ‘‘All that glitters: The effect of attention and news on the buying
behavior of individual and institutional investors,’’The Review of Financial Studies, 21 (2),
Black F. (1976) ‘‘Studies of stock price volatility changes,’’ paper presented atProceedings of the
1976 Meetings of the Business and Economic Statistics Section, American Statistical Association,
Vol. 177, p. 81.
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Financial Economics, 14 (1), 3–31.
Chemmanur T.; Yan A. (2009)Advertising, Attention, and Stock Returns, Working Paper, Boston
College and Fordham University.
Da Z.; Engelberg J.; Gao P. (2009)In Search of Attention, Working Paper, SSRN.
Ding Z.; Granger C.W.J.; Engle R.F. (1993) ‘‘A long memory property of stock market returns
and a new model,’’Journal of Empirical Finance, 1 (1), 83–106.
Dong L. (2008) Attracting Investor Attention through Advertising, Working Paper, Yale
Dzielinski M.; Steude S.; Subasi E. (forthcoming)Daily News Sentiment and Price Dynamics,
Working Paper.
Fang L.; Peress J. (2009) ‘‘Media coverage and the cross-section of stock returns,’’Journal of
Finance, 64 (5), 2023–2052.
Ferreira E.; Smith S. (1999) ‘‘Stock price reactions to recommendations in theWall Street Journal
small stock focus column,’’Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 39 (3), 379–389.
Gigerenzer G. (2007)Gut Feelings: The Intelligence of the Unconcious, Viking Adult.
Grulon G.; Kanatas G.; Weston J. (2004) ‘‘Advertising, breadth of ownership, and liquidity,’’
Review of Financial Studies, 17 , 439–461.
Hens T.; Steude S. (2009) ‘‘The leverage effect without leverage: An experimental study,’’Finance
Research Letters, 6 (2), 83–84.
Hong H.; Lim T.; Stein J. (2000) ‘‘Bad news travels slowly: Size, analyst coverage, and the
profitability of momentum strategies,’’Journal of Finance, 55 (1), 265–295.
Liu P.; Smith S.; Syed A. (1990) ‘‘Stock price reactions to theWall Street Journal’s securities
recommendations,’’Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 25 (3), 399–410.
Mitchell M.; Mulherin J. (1994) ‘‘The impact of public information on the stock market,’’Journal
of Finance, 49 (3), 923–950.
Poon S.; Granger C. (2003) ‘‘Forecasting volatility in financial markets: A review,’’Journal of
Economic Literature, 41 (2),478–539.
ShefrinH. (2005)A Behavioral Approach to Asset Pricing, Elsevier.
Talpsepp T.; Rieger M. (2009)Explaining Asymmetric Volatility around the World, Working
Paper, FINRISK. To appear inJournal of Empirical Finance.
Tetlock P. (2007) ‘‘Giving content to investor sentiment: The role of media in the stock market,’’
Journal of Finance, 62 (3), 1139–1168.

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