The Wiley Finance Series : Handbook of News Analytics in Finance

(Chris Devlin) #1

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Kalev P.S.; Duong H.N. (this volume) ‘‘Firm-specific news arrival and the volatility of intraday
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Kittrell J. (this volume) ‘‘Sentiment reversals as buy signals’’ (see Chapter 9).
Kothari S.P.; Warner J.B. (2005) ‘‘Econometrics of event studies,’’ in B. Espen Eckbo (Ed.),
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Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, ACM.
Leinweber D. (2009)Nerds on Wall Street, John Wiley & Sons.
Leinweber D.; Sisk J. (this volume) ‘‘Relating news analytics to stock returns’’ (see Chapter 6).
Li F. (2006)Do Stock Market Investors Understand the Risk Sentiment of Corporate Annual
Reports?, Working Paper, University of Michigan. Available athttp://papers.ssrn.
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Liang X. (2005) ‘‘Impacts of internet stock news on stock markets based on neural networks,’’ in
Advances in Neural Networks, Springer, Berlin.
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NewsScope Event Indices’’ (see Chapter 3).

Applications of news analytics in finance: A review 37
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