Introduction to SAT II Physics

(Darren Dugan) #1

  1. .A body of mass m sliding along a frictionless surface collides with another body of mass m, which is
    stationary before impact. The two bodies stick together. If the kinetic energy of the two-body
    system is E, what is the initial velocity of the first mass before impact?

  2. .A hockey puck of mass m is initially at rest on a frictionless ice rink. A player comes and hits the
    puck, imparting an impulse of J. If the puck then collides with another object of mass M at rest and
    sticks to it, what is the final velocity of the two-body system?





Que st io ns 9 and 1 0 re fe r t o t wo 1 k g masse s movi ng t oward e ach ot h er, o ne mass wi th
vel oci ty = 1 0 m/s, t he o t he r wi t h ve lo ci ty = 2 0 m/s.

  1. .What is the velocity of the center of mass?
    (A)0 m/s
    (B)5 m/s to the left
    (C)10 m/s to the left
    (D)15 m/s to the left
    (E)20 m/s to the left

  2. .What is the total energy of the system?
    (A)50 J
    (B)150 J
    (C)200 J
    (D)250 J
    (E)400 J


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