Introduction to SAT II Physics

(Darren Dugan) #1

If they come up on SAT II Physics, the values for and will be given to you, as will any

other values for k when the electric force is acting in some other medium.

Two particles, one with charge +q and the other with charge –q, are a distance r apart. If the
distance between the two particles is doubled and the charge of one of the particles is
doubled, how does the electric force between them change?

According to Coulomb’s Law, the electric force between the two particles is initially

If we double one of the charges and double the value of r, we find:

Doubling the charge on one of the particles doubles the electric force, but doubling the
distance between the particles divides the force by four, so in all, the electric force is half
as strong as before.


If you’ve got the hang of vectors, then you shouldn’t have too much trouble with the law
of superposition of electric forces. The net force acting on a charged particle is the
vector sum of all the forces acting on it. For instance, suppose we have a number of

charged particles, , , and. The net force acting on is the force exerted on it by

added to the force exerted on it by. More generally, in a system of n particles:

where is the force exerted on particle 1 by particle n and is the net force acting on

particle 1. The particle in the center of the triangle in the diagram below has no net force
acting upon it, because the forces exerted by the three other particles cancel each other

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