Adobe Lightroom For Beginners (2021)

(Maropa) #1

5 If you click Book > Book Preferences In the top menu
bar, you can set a Default Photo Zoom across the entire
contents of the book. There are autofill options and text filler
options as well if you want to specify certain parameters for the
book you’re creating. This includes Title Metadata for each of
the images.


Should you choose to do so, it is very easy to change
your photographs around for each of the pages. For
example, here we want to swap the Front and Back Cover
images. Simply click and hold, then drag the image to the
new page; in this instance, just to swap the Front and Back
Cover images around.


There are countless other options available through the
Book Settings panel. Dig deeper into the Auto Layout
and you can opt for different design templates. There are
options for page numbering, text positioning and even a
background option that can be applied globally or just on
selected pages.

7 The panel on the far-right of the interface is the Book
Settings. In here you can view and select options
depending on what you want from the book. The first option
details how the book will be printed: Blurb, the online printing
service. Then further down it displays the sizes, cover type,
paper type and an estimated cost for printing.

10 Having spent the time in laying out the book, pages,
images and text as you want them, you can click on the
Send to Blurb button at the bottom of the Book Settings panel.
You need a Blurb account, which is accessible via a pop-up
window. Alternatively, you can export the book to PDF or JPEG,
depending on your preference.

8 Under the Estimated Price option, you can see an Auto
Layout option. From here you’re able to define the layout
for the book. You can select one photo per page, a right-page
photo with left blank page or the same again but with a text
box. Alternatively, click the Edit Auto Layout Preset option to
further define the settings. 117


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