Exploring the
The default workspace you view when launching Lightroom can look
a little confusing to begin with. However, with a little exploration the
many menus and options soon become second-nature. Here, we show
you around all the basic areas before you get stuck into editing.
This is the Identity Plate for Lightroom,
displaying the user’s logged in account
name, with further options available
for expansion that connect to Adobe’s
cloud services. The Identity Plate can
be further personalised, using either set
templates or customising your own, for
branding your own photos. These can be
text-based, or even a graphical Identity
Plate to add that little extra personal
touch to your Workspace view and
image edits.
The Catalog Preset is a database that
stores a record for each of your photos.
This record contains key pieces of
information regarding each of the photos
you import into Lightroom, such as a
reference to where the photo is stored
on your system, instructions for how to
process the photo and metadata relating
to the photo.
The Folders Preset displays where your
photos are stored in the system. These
reflect the folder structure on the drive
itself and appear in an alphanumeric order
for you to browse through. The triangles
can be expanded to display sub-folders
within each root folder level and each
folder will display the number of images
or videos you’ve imported into Lightroom;
there’s also information on the amount of
space on the hard drive that the images
have taken up, with the total space
displayed too.
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38 BDM’s Made Easy Series | Volume 22