Going Deeper: Advanced Image Editing
76 Before and after: developing your images
78 Advanced image editing
80 Image sharpening with the detail panel
82 Create panoramas with photo merge
84 Enhance with HDR photo merge
85 Deghost
86 Instant edits with Lightroom presets
You Are Here: The Map Module
90 Before and after: advanced effects
92 Introducing the map module
93 Metadata panel
94 Using image location data
96 Organising images by location
97 Tag photos to a location
97 Select photos by area
Hard Copy: The Print Module
100 Before and after: advanced processing
102 Introducing the print module
104 Options and features
106 Naming photos with identity plates
108 Creating your own watermarks
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Show and Tell: Publishing Your Work
112 Before and after: dramatic effects
114 Publishing your work
116 Introducing the book module
118 The slideshow module
120 The web module
122 Publishing to social media
Going Further: Lightroom Projects
126 Before and after: getting colourful
128 Processing your landscape photos
134 Portrait retouching
140 Black and white processing
144 Glossary