Chemistry of Essential Oils

(Tuis.) #1


The oil has the following characters :—
Specific gravity0-8740t
Optical rotation-25°
Eefractive index 1-4885
Acid value ........
Ester „ 1
,, ,, (after acetylation) .....
Abnormal ginger oils are from time to time to be found,
reports on a sample distilled in the Philippines, having an optical rota-
tion of + 5
9°, and a Japanese oil has been found having a specific
.gravity 0*894 and an optical rotation + 9° 40'. A Java oil has been re-
with a rotation of + 13° 9'. Thresh has fractionally distilled a
specimen of this oil prepared in England from the dried root, and ob-
tained the following results :—

0-8740 to

  • 25° -5
    1-4885 1
    0 2
    1 »
    30 „


- 50°





be found. Baconl

Below 150°.
to 200°
200° „ 240°
240° „ 265°
265° „ 300° ....

5 per cent.

. 10
8 „
10 „
These results, however, must be accepted with reserve, as the oil
undergoes decomposition by distillation at ordinary pressure. The
fraction obtained at 155° to 165° is usually dextro-rotatory.
Dextro-camphene and /2-phellandrene constitute the bulk of the ter-
penes present in the oil. Cineol, citral, and borneol have been identified,
with possibly traces of geraniol. Van Soden and Kojahn^3 have isolated
;a sesquiterpene which they have named zingiberene. This body has a
specific gravity 0872, optical rotation - 69°, and boils at 269° to 270°.
has isolated a small quantity of an aldehyde, which appears
to be decyl aldehyde. Brooks^5 has identified methyl-heptenone, nonyl
aldehyde, linalol, acetic and caprylic esters, a phenol (chavicol ?), and a
sesquiterpene alcohol having the characteristic odour of the oil. This
body C 15 H 26 O, which has been termed zingiberol, boils at 154° to 157° at
5 mm. pressure.


This oil is obtained from the rhizome of Alpinia officinarum, a plant
•cultivated in China and Siam. The oil is obtained by moistening the
ground rhizomes with water, and after some hours distilling them with
steam. The oil is of a greenish-yellow colour, with a sharp taste and
pungent camphoraceous odour. The yield is from *5 to 1*5 per cent.
The oil has the following characters :—
Specific gravity
Optical rotation
Refractive index
Acid value
Ester ,,
,, ,, (after acetylation).
The constituents of galangal oil so far identified, are cineol, d-a-
pinene, cadinene, together with the following compounds described by

(^1) Philipp. Jour., Sci.
t^5 (1910), 259.
iJaarb. dep. Landb. Ned. Ind. Batavia (1912), 57.
zpjiarm. Zeit., 45 (1900), 414. 4 chem. Zeit., 34 (1912), 1217.
5Jour. Amer. Chem. Sos., 38 (1916), 430.

. 0-915 to 0*925

  • . 1-4760
    0 ,
    6 ,
    40 ,

, - 6°

, 1*4825

, 2

, 15

, 50

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