Chemistry of Essential Oils

(Tuis.) #1


tke Alpes-Maritimes remain uncultivated; in the region of Draguinan
and Lorgues vast tracts of the Basses-Alpes put enormous quantities of
fragrant rosemary at the disposal of the distiller, but the cost of the pro-
duct would barely repay the expense of labour and fuel.
The average yield of essential oil is from 1 to 1*8 per cent.
Eosemary oil has been examined by several chemists. Bruylants
claimed to have isolated a terpene from the oil, but as the oil on which
he worked had a specific gravity 0'885, it was probably adulterated with
turpentine, so that his results cannot be accepted with confidence.
Gildemeister and Stephan^2 have, however, isolated pinene from the
lowest boiling fractions of the oil, which is probably a mixture of dextro-
and laevo-a-prnQue. Camphene has also been definitely identified as a
4X>nstituent of the oil. These two terpenes have been identified, not only
in French, but also in Dalmatian oil. Weber
has isolated cineol, and
has also prepared dipentene dihydrochloride from a terpene fraction of
the oil, which makes it probable that dipentene is also present. Cam-
phor 4 and borneol^5 are important constituents to which the oil owes
much of its odour. Traces of esters, probably of borneol, are also
Pure rosemary oil has the following characters:—

French Oil of Rosemary.
Specific gravity
Optical rotation
„ „ (of 1st 10 per cent, distilled)
Refractive index
Acid value.
Ester „.
Biters per cent
Total alcohols (as borneol).

0-900 to 0-920

  • 4° to + 13° (rarely to - 9

  • 6° „ + 14° ( „ „ - 18°)
    1-4660 to 1-47*5
    0-5 ., 2
    3 „ 14
    1 „ 5
    8 „ 19 per cent.
    The oil is usually soluble, with at most faint turbidity, in from 1 to
    10 volumes of 80 per cent, alcohol.
    Dalmatian Rosemary Oil.
    Specific gravity
    Optical rotation
    „ ,, (of 1st 10 per cent, distilled)
    Refractive index.
    Acid value.
    Esters per cent.
    Total alcohols

0-894 to 0-914

  • 1° to + 7° (rarely to + 12°)

    • 1

to + 8°
„ 1-4700
5 1-5
, 7 per cent.
„ 18 „
The solubility is identical with that of French oil.
Spanish Rosemary Oil.
Specific gravity 0-898 to 0-922
Optical rotation - 6° „ + 12°
„ „ (of 1st 10 per cent, distilled) - 6° to f 6° (rarely a little higher)
Refractive index 1-4660 to 1-4700
Acid value 1 „ 2
Ester„ 2-3 „ 17-5
Esters per cent. 0'8 „ 6 per cent.
Total alcohols 10 „ 20 „

. The solubility is identical with that of French oil.
Jour. de Pharm. etde Ghim., iv. 29 (1879), 508.
Arch der Pharm., 235 (1897), 586. * Annalen, 238 (1887), 89.
8 Ibid., 114 (1860), 197.
Jour, de Pharm. etde Chim., iv., 29 (1879), 508.

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