Chemistry of Essential Oils

(Tuis.) #1


Specific gravity.
Optical rotation.
Refractive index.
Menthol as esters
Total menthol.

0-900 to 0-920

  • 12° „ - 26°
    1-4620 „ 1-4645
    8 to 29 per cent.
    40 „ 70
    12 „ 18

Umney and Bennett found the oil distilled from July-cut plants to
contain only about 40 per cent, of menthol, whilst oil from the later

FIG. 30.—Distillation of peppermint in Piedmont.
Carles ] [Parfumerie Moderne.

second cutting contained 7O5 per cent. But no generalisation is pos-
sible without the examination of a number of samples.


A certain amount of peppermint oil is distilled in various parts of
Russia, most of which is used in the country itself; but it has recently
appeared on the English market, where its reception has been favourable.
It is distilled in Tambow, the Caucasus, Poltava, and the Ukraine. The
dried herb yields about 1*5 to 1*7 per cent, of oil.
states that peppermint oil is distilled in various parts of
European Eussia, generally in very primitive stills, with the result that
the oil is often burnt and of poor odour. During the past few years
peppermint plantations have been laid out in the Caucasus districts,
which, owing to favourable climatic and soil conditions, are very suitable
for the cultivation of numerous medicinal plants.
A yield of from T6 to 1*7 per cent, on the dried leaves and flowers
is the average obtained. Maisit has examined the oil distilled from one
year old and two year old plants. Both are pale yellow7 in colour,
not very soluble in 70 per cent, alcohol, and having the following

' Ar ch, der Phaim , 249 (1911), 637.
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