Chemistry of Essential Oils

(Tuis.) #1


had received only farmyard manure, and nearly treble that from land
which was not manured at all. It is interesting to note that the yield
from the natural unmanured marshy ground was the lowest calculated
on the amount of material employed, but was fairly good when referred
to the area of land concerned. The mint grown on a plot without any
manure and attacked by Puccinium gave oil containing the highest
percentage of esters, equivalent to 13*57 per cent, of menthyl acetate.
The same unaffected by the blight gave 10*73 per cent. The oil grown
on the natural unmanured marshy ground had the highest percentage of
total menthol, 64*25 per cent. The puccinium-attacked plant gave oil
containing 62*28 of total menthol, and coming next. The lowest menthol-
content, 57*69 per cent., was obtained from the plot manured with sodium
nitrate and superphosphate without any farmyard manure.


This oil is distilled from Mentha arvensis, var. Javanica. It has the
following characters:—l
Specific gravity at 15° C 0-9979 a
Rotatory power (I = 100 mm.) + 0° 24'
Soluble in 1J volumes of 70 per cent, alcohol, and the
solution remains clear on the subsequent addition
of the same alcohol.
Soluble in all proportions of 80 per cent, alcohol.
Esters, as menthyl acetate..17*5 per cent.
Combined menthol
Total menthol
Free „
Ketones and aldehydes.




none, or traces


A sample of peppermint oil distilled from Mitcham plants grown at
Molo, in the highlands of British East Africa, has been examined
found to have an excellent aroma and a very high menthol value. It
had the following values :—
Specific gravity 0-967
Optical rotation - 33° 30'
Total menthol 67-5 per cent.
The most important determination to be made in the examination of
peppermint oil is that of the total menthol, but the menthone value is
also frequently required. This is best obtained by determining the total
menthol in the oil, and then reducing the menthone, *in a separate
portion, to menthol by means of sodium, and determining the menthol
in the reduced oil. If M 2 be the total menthol in the reduced oil and
Mx be that in the original oil the percentage of menthone present is
(M 2 - MJ154

The factor yf| representing the difference in the molecular weights of
menthone and menthol, may usually be neglected.
2 Peppermint oil is frequently adulterated. American oil is sometimes
2 Roure-Bertrand Fils, Bulletin,^3 (1910), 1, 59.
This is probably a misprint for 08979. A sample examined by Wielen had a
specific gravity 0
921 and optical rotation + 4° 40'.
« P. and E.O.R. (1915), 4.

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