Chemistry of Essential Oils

(Tuis.) #1


four weeks with phenylisocyanate both alcohols yielded a phenylurethane
melting at 37° to 38°. A mixture of the two bodies suffered no depres-
sion in melting-point. The alcohols have the formula C 15 H 26 O. The
alcohol from balsam of Peru is therefore mixed with a small quantity of
an alcohol of higher specific gravity, the nature of which is still un-
determined. Traces of benzyl alcohol were found in it, but not in
sufficient quantity to account for the differences observed. Oxidation
experiments did not throw any light on the question. It may therefore
be safely assumed that the peruviol of Thorns consisted in the main of
nerolidol, but contaminated with a substance of the same boiling-point to
such an extent that its combustion figures pointed to the formula C 13 H 220
instead of C 16 H9fiO.


Balsam of Tolu is obtained from MyroxyIon Balsamum, var. genninum
It yields from 2 to 7 per cent, of essential oil having an odour re-
calling that of hyacinths, and having the following characters :—

Specific gravity 0'949 to 1080
Optical rotation + 1° „ - 2°
Refractive index 1
5440 ,, 1-5600
Acid value 5 to 30
Ester „ ..175 to 210
The oil contains a terpene (phellandrene ?), benzyl benzoate, benzyl
cinnamate, and farnesol.
Myroxylon Balsamum, var. punctatum, yields a similar essential oil.


The flowers of Trifolium incartiatum yield 0029 per cent, of essential
oil, which, according to Kogerson,
has the following characters :—
Specific gravity fr.™0-9597
Optical rotation - 1° 48'
Power and Salway^2 obtained 0
028 per cent, of oil from the flowers
of Trifolium pratense, having the following characters :—
Specific gravity -„.~^60-9476
Optical rotation........+ 4° 10'


The leaves and fruits of Amorpha fruticosa yield essential oils which
have been examined by Pavesi.^3
The fruits yield 0*15 to 0*35 per cent, and the leaves 0*05 to 0*08 per
cent, of oils. The leaf oil has a refractive index, 1*5003 to 1-5008 at 17*5°,
and the fruit oil has the following characters:—
Specific gravity 0-9019 (unripe fruit)
0-9055 (ripe fruit)
Refractive index 1-4995 (unripe fruit)
1-5004 (ripe fruit)
Optical rotation ...... slightly laevo-rotatory

(^1) Jour. Chem. Soc. 97 (1910), 1004. (^2) Ibid., 232.
*Ann. Soc. Chim., Milano, 11 (1904), 1 and 2.

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