Chemistry of Essential Oils

(Tuis.) #1


Specific gravity
£-0 954 to 1*020
Refractive index at 30°. T4550 „ 1-4830
Saponification value 160 „ 180
Oils distilled in Manila were found by Brooks l to have the following
•characters :—
Specific gravity 3 0°0-904 to 0-9107
Refractive index 1-4640 „ 1-4688
Ester value 124 „ 146
,, „ (after acetylation) 199
The oil distilled from the white flowers of Michelia longifolia have
the following characters :—
Specific gravity 0-883 to 0-897
Optical rotation - 12° 50'
Refractive index 1-4470 at 30°
Ester value 180
Commercial oils are therefore to be expected to have characters inter-
mediate between the above, the white flowers probably being employed
to a greater extent than the yellow in distillation.
Champaca oil contains benzyl alcohol, linalol, geraniol, esters of
methyl-ethyl acetic acid, methyl anthranilate, isoeugenol, ben zoic acid,
methyl eugenol, and a crystalline body melting at 165° to 166°, of the
formula C 16 H 20 O5.
Brooks states that this substance reacts quantitatively with bisulphite
solution, but that it cannot be recovered from the bisulphite compound.
This renders it probable that the group CH : CH. CO is present in this
body. The fact that the substance is a ketone is proved by its behaviour
iowards ammoniacal silver solution and magenta solution. The phenyl-
hydrazone melts at 161°. The ketone does not react with acetanhydride,
-and with acetyl chloride it resinifies. When heated with an excess of
alcoholic potash solution it gives rise to neutral succinate of potassium.
It would seem that the succinic acid occurs in the ketone-molecule in
the form of a neutral ester. In order to identify the alcohols which
were associated with the succinic acid, the ketone was saponified with
aqueous solution of caustic soda, but only ethyl alcohol could be de-
tected. It appears that one of the carboxyl groups of the succinic acid
is esterified with ethyl alcohol and the other with an alcohol C 10 H 12 O 2. *
An oil has been distilled from champaca leaves in the Malay Penin-
sula. The yield was 0*04 per cent, of an oil having the following
Specific gravity
Optical rotation .......
Acid value ........
Saponification value
,, ,, (after acetylation)


. + 12° 30




The bark of Drimys Winteri yields between '5 and 1 per cent, of this
oil. This plant was originally discovered by Captain Winter in the
Straits of Magellan, and is now found in various countries from Mexico
to Cape Horn. The oil, which has been examined by Avata and Can-
.zoneri,^2 has a specific gravity of about -945. It consists of a mixture of

(^1) Philip. Jour. Sc. 6 (1911), 333 « Jahr
t ft Pharmt (xggg), 70.

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