Chemistry of Essential Oils

(Tuis.) #1


oil, the aroma of which was inferior, due probably to the low condition of
the seeds. The laboratory figures of the oils from the first and second
samples were:—
First Sample. Second Sample.
Specific gravity —"-^.. '849 *8592
Optical rotation15 0.
Acid value
Ester value—
Before acetylation

  • 44-7° at 20° C. - 57*8° at 25° C.
    1-2 1-4

1-9 6-4

.. 52-9 33-50
Soluble in 90 per cent, alcohol In 6 or more vols. In 4'5 or more vols.
obtained a yield of 7 per cent, of oil from the seeds, which
had a specific gravity of 0896 and optical rotation - 585°. The oil,
from which traces of free acids and phenols were first removed, was
fractionated in vacuo.
The terpene fraction had the specific gravity 0*842 at 20° and consisted
chiefly of limonene ; boiling-point 74° to 76° at 16 mm.; aD = - 105

  • 68°,
    and [aJD = - 125*5°; melting-point of the nitrosochloride 103° to 105°.
    In the third fraction, which represents 20 per cent, of the oil, and which
    boils at 110° to 116° (at 16 mm.), a body C 10 H 16 O could be detected, which
    is probably identical with myristicol.
    Schimmel & Co. obtained 5

  • 37 per cent, of essential oil from the seeds,
    which had the following characters: dlbo = 0859; aD = - 117° 40'; acid
    number = 1
    36; ester number = 3

  • 4; ester number after acetylation
    2711. Soluble in about 4 volumes and more 90 per cent, alcohol. It
    consisted chiefly of phellandrene.
    Leimbach has examined the corresponding oil from the seeds of
    Monodora grandiflora. This oil has the following characters :—
    Specific gravity 0 8574
    Optical rotation - 46° 15'
    Acid value 3-9
    Saponification value....... 7 to 12
    It contains Z-phellandrene, camphene (?), j9-cymene, palmitic acid,
    carvacrol (?), an uninvestigated compound of the formula C 10 H1 6 0 (specific
    gravity 0
    935; optical rotation - 9° 14'; and boiling-point 130° to 154° ;
    which suggests that the body is not a chemical individual); a sesquiter-
    pene (specific gravity 09138; optical rotation + 24°; and refractive
    index 1
    5051), and a crystalline body melting at 160° to 163°.



The fruit of Pittosporum undulatum, a plant indigenous to South-
east Australia, yields, according to Power and Tutin,
0*44 per cent, of
essential oil, whose characters are as follows :—
Specific gravity 0*8615
Optical rotation + 74° 4'
The oil contains d-a-pinene, d-limonene, traces of palmitic acid, sali-
cylic acid, and a phenol, small quantities of esters of formic and valerianic
acids, and a sesquiterpene of specific gravity 0*910, and refractive index
Ber. deutsch. pharm. ges., 14 (1904), 24.
Jour. Ckem. Soc., 89 (1906), 1083.
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