Career Choice and Development

(avery) #1

ILPs can be effective tools for planning the completion of a po-
tentially complex series of service delivery activities and resources.
Taking the time to explain the resources, activities, and corre-
sponding purposes communicates to clients that they are valued,
capable collaborators in the career-intervention process. (Sample
ILPs are provided in Tables 8.1 and 8.2 that follow the cases of K
and E.)

Step 6: Execute Individual Learning Plan. The client carries out
the ILP with the practitioner providing encouragement, informa-
tion, clarification, reinforcement, and planning for future experi-
ences. During this step, the client versions of the pyramid and the
CASVE cycle (shown in Figures 8.5 and 8.6) and the ILP are used
to monitor progress in problem solving and decision making
(Sampson, Peterson, Lenz, & Reardon, 1992). In cases where dys-
functional career thinking has been identified as limiting career
problem solving and decision making, clients can use the Career
Thoughts Inventory Workbook(Sampson et al., 1996b), which de-
scribes a four-step procedure for cognitive restructuring: identifying,
challenging, and altering any dysfunctional career thoughts and
then taking concrete action to make career decisions.

Step 7: Summative Review and Generalization. When the client
has completed the ILP, the client discusses with the counselor his
or her progress toward reaching the counseling goals established in
Step 4. During summative review and generalization, the client ver-
sions of the pyramid and the CASVE cycle (shown in Figures 8.5
and 8.6) are used to (1) review and reflect on the progress in resolv-
ing the gap that motivated the client to seek counseling, (2) review
follow-through actions in the execution phase of the CASVE cycle,
and (3) generalize problem-solving knowledge and skills learned in
counseling to other future career problems or to current and future
personal and family problems (Sampson, Peterson, Lenz, & Reardon,

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