Career Choice and Development

(avery) #1

like I have to know my ultimate goal at this point but I would like
to have a clearer idea about several occupations that might fit me.”
Eva wrote these on the ILP and asked K to verify that he was com-
fortable with the plan so far. Eva also revisited K’s CTI results and
suggested that his responses may help explain why he has difficulty
with career decisions. He agreed that his thoughts and feelings
caused him to avoid dealing with making future plans and was will-
ing to work on these during his appointments with Eva. He said he
felt like that was a good place to start and acknowledged that this
was a process that would take some time.

Develop ILP. Eva, recognizing that K often seems influenced by
others, encouraged him to share ideas about what he would like to
do next. He acknowledged that he needed to know more about
some of the options (Occupational Knowledge) he was consid-
ering. He said that he really didn’t have much confidence in how
he makes decisions, acknowledging that in the past his process for
making decisions has been pretty haphazard and that the decision
about his field of study and future occupation probably required
more thought. Eva and K brainstormed a series of activities for his
ILP that would help him use his current self-knowledge (Analy-
sis), relate this knowledge to options, expand his knowledge about
options (Synthesis-Elaboration), reduce those options to a man-
ageable number (Synthesis-Crystallization), prioritize his options
(Valuing), and help K monitor his decision-making process (Ex-
ecutive Processing).
K agreed that he could use the computer at home for several of
the activities on his ILP but also said that probably having a set
time when he planned to visit the career center to use resources
would also be helpful in keeping him on-track. His librarian assis-
tant job brings him to campus two days a week in the morning, so
he agreed to visit the career center on one of those days after he
leaves work. Both K and Eva agreed that he would probably be hap-
pier just coming into the career center on his own schedule to do
library research. However, given his tendency to procrastinate, he


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