it might be like to work in a different field. From a Valuing per-
spective, it is likely that E was having a difficult time reconciling
her “concern for others” with her desire for “financial prosperity.”
The career adviser talked with E about what she meant by “too
many options” and what would be a reasonable number of options
to consider. E indicated that she was very motivated to work on fig-
uring out her career goals. She wanted to have the decision made
by the end of her sophomore year so she could focus on getting
some experience in the field and begin to explore plans for gradu-
ate study if she chose a field that required an advanced degree.
Formulate Goals. E said she wanted to have a clearer picture of
her occupational goals and wanted to have more confidence in her
choice of an occupation. E said that she had done some reading
about occupations as part of her career exploration class but liked it
more when she could actually talk to people who were working in
a field in which she had an interest. This statement is consistent
with the Social and Enterprising aspects of E’s Holland code, which
suggests that getting information through contact with others may
fit well with her personality characteristics. E stated that she knew
“plenty of lawyers she could talk to” but was interested in using the
career center’s networking database to find persons working in other
fields that she had listed on her SDS.
E acknowledged that sometimes she gets so overwhelmed with
trying to make a choice that she just wants to forget about it. That
statement led the career adviser to discuss some of the CTI items
that E had marked “Strongly Agree,” especially those dealing with
CA and the Valuing phase of the pyramid. The career adviser intro-
duced E to the CTI Workbookand explained that E could learn
more about how her thinking influences her choices and how her
thinking might be making it difficult for her to commit to a choice.
E agreed that she has a tendency to “sabotage herself ” and was will-
ing to work on this issue as part of the process. With these goals in
mind, E and her career adviser developed a plan of action to address
her career concerns.