Career Choice and Development

(avery) #1

Develop ILP. E’s career adviser, mindful of the fact that E has not
been very successful in using occupational information in the past
to narrow her choices, talked with her about how she might like to
approach learning about the options she’s considering. To avoid be-
coming overwhelmed with options, E’s career adviser asked her to
pick three to five that she was most interested in learning more
about. E said that she really needed to look more closely at Writer
and Teacher but also wanted to consider several new occupations
that had been generated by her SDS results (both her Summary
code and her Aspirations Summary code), including Volunteer Ser-
vices Director and Association Executive.
The career adviser discussed E’s comments about her English
classes, particularly “I’m not always able to share my opinions ver-
bally.” E agreed that this was a problem, especially given her inter-
est in Social and Enterprising occupations, where verbal skills are
likely to be important. She indicated that her public speaking was
something she would like to work on and improve. She agreed to
use the university’s Web site to look into campus activities and
classes that might give her more experience with this skill to help
her determine whether it is one she wants to use in her future work.
E’s career adviser also shared with her a local community referral
directory that gave the lists of Toastmaster Clubs in the area.
Given E’s strong interest in English classes, the career adviser
discussed whether E wanted to investigate this major as a possible
minor area, especially given the fact that E had listed Writer as one
of her aspirations. E agreed that she had missed taking English
classes since starting her major coursework and was glad to know
that this might be a possibility. Because of her strong academic
background, she had tested out of several general studies require-
ments, so she had some flexibility in her schedule.
E’s career adviser included the CTI Workbookon her ILP. They
reviewed the different sections and spent some time discussing how
the reframing section could be used to help E begin to work on her
CTI items that were answered “Strongly Agree” or “Agree.” The
career adviser showed E how her responses were connected to var-


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