Career Choice and Development

(avery) #1

their dominant profile is SAE, there is a distribution of subtypes
within the group (SAE = 7, SAI = 4, SIA = 4, SEA = 3, SEC = 2,
SCI = 2, SAC = 1, ASI = 1). Such a distribution is common when
examining work environments and suggests that although many
individuals resemble the dominant subtype (in this case SAE), some
individuals will resemble variations of the code, and some will be

People Interacting with Work Environments

The remaining theoretical propositions cover the interactions of
persons and environments. These propositions are critical theoret-
ically and practically but in spite of their importance have received
only scant attention in the research literature (see Spokane, 1985;
Spokane et al., 2001, for reviews).

  1. People find environments reinforcing and satisfying when
    environmental patterns resemble their personality patterns.
    This situation makes for stability of behavior because per-
    sons receive a good deal of selective reinforcement of their

  2. Incongruent interactions stimulate change in human
    behavior; conversely, congruent interactions encourage
    stability of behavior. Persons tend to change or become like
    the dominant persons in the environment. This tendency
    is greater, the greater the degree of congruence is between
    the person and the environment. Those persons who are
    most incongruous will be changed least.

  3. A person resolves incongruence by seeking a new and con-
    gruent environment or by changing personal behavior and

  4. The reciprocal interactions of person and successive jobs
    usually lead to a series of success and satisfaction cycles.
    [pp. 53–54]


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