Career Choice and Development

(avery) #1

potential work sacrifices do not deter husbands from relocating
quite as often (Bielby & Bielby, 1992). These gender differences are
weaker, however, among men and women with less traditional gen-
der role beliefs (Bielby & Bielby, 1992), which are becoming
increasingly common. In a recent examination of dual-career cou-
ples in upstate New York, Pixley and Moen (in press) found that
men were still somewhat more likely than women to report having
taken advantage of a major career opportunity that required a
spouse to move or change jobs. Still, a good proportion of both men
and women had turned down opportunities of this kind (42 and 56
percent, respectively).

A Look to the Future

A most prominent feature of vocational development in the United
States, which may become exacerbated in the future, is its exten-
sion to later life phases. In an earlier era, occupational choice and
development were expected to take place during the teen years.
Adolescence was considered to be a time of vocational exploration
and of the formation of vocational identity; after completing high
school, most people entered the full-time labor force and, after
some further exploration, gravitated toward jobs that would become
their full-time careers.
This scenario has become much less frequent, given the increas-
ingly individualized, “destructured,” and unpredictable early life
course (Shanahan, 2000). Beginning in high school, young people
combine and alternate school and work. Many leave school, only to
return a short time later. Some who drop out later pursue GEDs
(general educational diplomas). Although more than two-thirds of
high school graduates enter some form of higher education, less than
half of these eventually obtain baccalaureate degrees. Many drop out
of college, only to return some time later as they become more
focused in their interests or realize the occupational advantages that
would accrue from higher educational credentials. Women tend to
have more unstable work careers than men, as many move in and


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