What next?
Congratulations! You've finished part 1 of this tutorial. The remaining chapters cover additional
topics, and don't have to be read in sequence (one after another).
If you want, you can move on to a more advanced programming language. The rest of this
chapter briefly explains how you can start using the most popular ones.
One reason you may want to move on, at least at some point, is because QBasic has minimal
capabilities. One example of this is that you can't create executable programs (EXE files) inQBasic. ( QuickBasic 4.5 can create these files, but this product is no longer on the market.)
Other programming languages
Information about the below programming languages can be found at ProgrammingTutorials.com.
C and C++
You can learn C by going to http://www.cm.cf.ac.uk/Dave/C/CE.html,
http://www.strath.ac.uk/CC/Courses/NewCcourse/ccourse.htmlwww.programmingtutorials.com/tutorial.asp?id=C. , or
Before you can create an EXE file in C, you must have a compiler. I recommend downloading the
DJGPP compilerdonations. (www.djgpp.com). This program is free, however, the author does accept
See below for information on getting DJGPP.
You may also want to get the Allegro programming library. This library is useful for creating
games in C.
(recommend learning C++ before moving on to Visual C++.) NOTE: C++ is a more powerful version of C. It introduces "object oriented" programming. I
Visual C++
With Visual C++, you can create Windows 95 programs, instead of DOS. It costs about $100 forthe standard version.
For more information, click here.
To purchase Visual C++, click here.
Visual Basic
Visual Basic is similar to QBasic. So, if you are highly involved in QBasic, then you may want toswitch directly to Visual Basic, instead of learning C/C++ or Visual C++.