Numbering systems
(This chapter is provided to help you understand certain parts of chapter 19, Memory .)
Normally, when we use a number such as ten," but in this chapter you will see how this is not always the case. 110 , we understand it to mean "one hundred and
Hexadecimal numbers
We generally use the base 10 (decimal) numbering system, where each digit must be between
0-9; but the "hexadecimal" system digits). (base 16) can also have digits A , B , C , D , E , and F (16 total
(The hexadecimal numbers in this tutorial are red .)
0 = Zero
12 = One = Two
3 = Three
45 = Four = Five
6 = Six
78 = Seven = Eight
9 = Nine
AB = Ten = Eleven
C = Twelve
DE = Thirteen = Fourteen
F = Fifteen
In the base 10 system, you add another digit when you get past the number 9 ; but with base 16, it
isn't added until after F (or fifteen).
10 = Sixteen
1112 = Seventeen = Eighteen
13 = Nineteen
1415 = Twenty = Twenty one
1617 = Twenty two = Twenty three
1819 = Twenty four = Twenty five
1A = Twenty six
1B1C = Twenty seven = Twenty eight
1D1E = Twenty nine = Thirty
1F 20 = Thirty one = Thirty two