New Perspectives On Web Design

(C. Jardin) #1

CHAPTER 7 Designing Adaptive Interfaces

Comparing potential JavaScript and JavaScript-less experiences of a news teaser.

<p data-image-src="/path/to/my.jpg" data-image-loaded>
<img src="/path/to/my.jpg" alt=""/>

The paragraph itself is shown by keying into the dynamically assigned
data-image-loaded attribute:

[data-image-src][data-image-loaded] {
display: block;

Of course, mobile devices can be held in either landscape or portrait orien-
tation and users often switch to suit the task they are trying to complete.
To provide the best possible reading experience, again demonstrating em-
pathy, we should really take the interface a step further and let it adapt. We
can do that by listening for changes in the window size using a function.
Here’s the one I’m currently using:

window.watchResize = function(callback)
// used to track the timer
var resizing;
// this runs when resizing has stopped
function done()
// stop the timeout
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