New Perspectives On Web Design

(C. Jardin) #1

CHAPTER 7 Designing Adaptive Interfaces

(If you have no idea what I’m talking about, hit “View Document Out-
line” in the Web Developer Toolbar^15 to see the outline of any Web page.)
The great thing about a document outline is that it implies sections.
Knowing that, we can write a simple JavaScript to parse that content,
dynamically build the additional markup for the tabbed interface, trigger
the inclusion of some basic CSS rules to lay it out, and add in some accessi-
bility enhancements via ARIA when JavaScript is available.

I won’t exhaust you with the code to do this, but you can check out the
script I’ve been evolving for this purpose over on Github^16 if you’re interested.
So now we have an interface that adapts beautifully based on JavaScript
availability; but tabbed interfaces don’t always work nicely on narrow
screens, especially when the tabs don’t fit. To truly call this tabbed interface
adaptive we need to consider the experience in different form factors.
Taking a lesson from the lazy-loaded image example we just discussed,
we could adjust the JavaScript code to include a test to see whether the


Load JS? Linear



Tabbed Interface UI Construction Flow

Collect implicit sections
Split into explicit sections
Build tabs based on headingsAssign events
Add ARIA roles & states
Add a class to the container to turn on styles

Ye s

Diagraming the process of building a tabbed interface
using a UI construction flow.
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