New Perspectives On Web Design

(C. Jardin) #1
By Aaron Gustafson CHAPTER 7

With that insight, we can craft amazing experiences for them. We’ll
strike that perfect balance between aesthetics and usability. We’ll build
experiences up from the core, following the progressive enhancement phi-
losophy. We’ll make our work more consistent and flexible by embracing
pattern libraries. And, no matter what devices companies throw at us, we’ll
rest assured our customers will be well-served.

abouT The auThoR
Aaron Gustafson is the Founder & Technical Lead of
Easy Designs, a content-focused Web consultancy
that specializes in delivering great user experiences
irrespective of device or platform. He is an Invited Expert
to the W3C, is the former Manager of the Web Standards
Project (WaSP), served as Tech Editor for A List Apart, and
wrote the oft-lauded Adaptive Web Design: Crafting Rich
Experiences with Progressive Enhancement.

abouT The RevieweR
Nicholas C. Zakas is a Staff Software Engineer at Box. He
is the author of Maintainable JavaScript (O’Reilly, 2012),
Professional JavaScript for Web Developers (Wrox, 2012), High
Performance JavaScript (O’Reilly, 2010), and Professional Ajax
(Wrox, 2007). He blogs regularly at http://www.nczonline.
net/ and can be found on Twitter via @slicknet.

image credits
1 st Image from Adaptive Web Design: Crafting Rich Experiences with Progressive Enhancement,, Easy Readers, 2011.
2 nd Image from The Computer History Museum,

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