New Perspectives On Web Design

(C. Jardin) #1

CHAPTER 8 How to Fix The Web: Obscure Back-End Techniques and Terminal Secrets

Some of the reasons and solutions above are very rare. The most likely
cause is simply a slight malfunction in your broadband box. Running
out of disk space or getting hacked are the only other things that are
in any way likely to happen in the middle of the night when nobody
else is working on the website. But throw in other developers, server
administrators and enthusiastic clients — and anything is possible.
Good luck!

abouT The auThoR
Pa u l Te ro is a website and computer programmer living
with his family in Brighton, England. He grew up in
California and studied computer science at UC Berkeley,
before moving to Brighton in 1997. He currently mostly
works for Existor, the company which makes Cleverbot,
a quirky artificial entity which talks back. And he writes
occasionally and enjoyably for Smashing Magazine.
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