New Perspectives On Web Design

(C. Jardin) #1

CHAPTER 9 The Next Steps for Web Typography

These different typographic combinations shouldn’t be applied in real
time, because in that case the interface would scale up and down right in
front of the user. Obviously, that would be completely useless. Instead,
the device could apply a slightly different setup each time the user loads
a page, and measure especially if the user tries to readjust the reading dis-
tance by moving the device away from or closer to their face.
All that data could be collected, stored and used to run a series of multi-
variate tests in the background, without ever interrupting the user. Gath-
ered statistics could help us to better determine what the optimal setup is
at each reading distance. The device could recognize each particular user,
recalibrate and apply the optimal typographic setup for them. Not to men-
tion the look on your optician’s face when you dump all your stats onto her
desk. Who’s a nerd now, huh?
Did we hit the roof on the Web? I don’t think so!

iT’S noT ThaT haRD
You’ll agree that each presented technique is quite simple observed in iso-
lation. The complicated part in Web typography is keeping in mind all the
axes and creating the best possible setup for a given situation. But if you
prioritize, you can achieve pretty decent results with very little effort.
First, markup the text with correct punctuation, dashes, quotes and
spacing. Second, take care of the default paragraph by balancing the letter
size, line length and line height. Aim for even texture. Even if it feels unex-
citing, the use of proper characters and spacing will establish soundness.
Third, create proper hierarchy so the reader can actually make it through
to the end. Finally, if you have enough time, tweak the style subtleties —
think of it as icing on the cake.
How do you become comfortable with designing typography? As a
daily exercise, use one font in black or white on a background color and try
to express different moods using variable sizing, macro and micro white
space and adjusting the arrangement of elements. Another exercise is to
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