New Perspectives On Web Design

(C. Jardin) #1
By Rachel Andrew CHAPTER 11

linKS anD fuRTheR ReaDing

  • Support Ops: a website and podcast with lots of practical technical
    support help and information.

  • Customer Complaints and Types of Customers: an academic paper
    from the University of Florida that details the types of personalities
    your customers might have, and how to deal with them.

  • The Help Scout blog is the blog of a helpdesk product but has a
    number of excellent articles about the business of doing customer

  • 37signals blog contains a number of really useful posts about how
    they approach support:

  • An article on Smashing Magazine that discusses customer
    experience in depth:

  • Bootstrapped, a podcast by Andrey Butov and Ian Landsman,
    creator of HelpSpot and Snappy:

abouT The auThoR
Rachel Andrew is a front- and back-end Web developer,
author and speaker. She has written several Web
development books, including chapters for Smashing
Books. She also writes about business and technology
on her own site at In addition
to offering consultancy services through ht t p://, Rachel is also one of the developers of
the content management system, Perch.
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