New Perspectives On Web Design

(C. Jardin) #1
By Christopher Murphy CHAPTER 13

Chapter thirteen · by ChristOpher mUrphy

on CReaTive SPiRiT

hen embarking on new projects we often find
ourselves confronted by intense pressure to deliver
something – anything! – in as short a time frame as possible.
All too often the client needs it tomorrow, or better still yesterday, certainly
by the end of the week! (And, guess what, today’s Thursday.)
Faced with unyielding, unrealistic deadlines we buckle under the
weight of expectation and find ourselves looking for shortcuts. Before we
know it, we’re taking the path of least resistance to new ideas, which, as a
consequence, often aren’t new ideas at all, merely recycled ones from the
folder of abandoned past projects.
When time is short and budgets are tight we turn immediately to our
computers in an effort to realize an idea as quickly as possible. The com-
puter, however, is the last place we should look. History shows us that
ideas are all around us and if we choose to widen our frame of reference
and expand our field of vision, even just a little, we’ll find them quite


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