Science - USA (2021-12-17)

(Antfer) #1



the development of a simi-
lar approach for amino acids
(AAs), whereby nanopore mea-
surements of single AAs were
identified, even distinguishing
leucine and lysine, which have
the same molecular weight ( 5 ).
However, the technique relied
on the incorporation of target
AAs into predesigned charged
peptide chains.
In addition to the enhanced
chemical complexity of pro-
teins compared with nucleic
acids, they also come in folded
configurations that usually pre-
vent readout in a linear fash-
ion. Here, nature may provide
a helping hand in the form of
molecular machines, such as
unfoldases that could be com-
bined with nanopores to facili-
tate peptide linearization. A few
strategies implemented such
guided protein translocation
through a nanopore, including
using negatively charged DNA
( 1 , 6 ), carrier peptides ( 5 ), unfol-
dases ( 7 , 8 ), or denaturants ( 9 ).
These approaches improve pro-
tein identification by nanopores
and may aid understanding of
isoform diversity on a polypep-
tide level, but longer peptide
reads remain desirable.
The first attempts to use
nanopore sequencing for pep-
tide discrimination were re-
cently reported, but the ap-
proach is limited to reading
very short peptides ( 6 ). By con-
trast, Brinkerhoff et al. present a method to
increase the accuracy by using a helicase
that is present in solution and is allowed to
bind repeatedly to the DNA molecules. This
ingenious design ensures that the same
polypeptide can be read, pulled back into
the nanopore by an electric field, and then
reread with the help of a new helicase. The
ability to read out the same molecule in a
nanopore with such high resolution is a ma-
jor breakthrough in the field. Crucially, the
rereading of the same peptide allows the
authors to reduce nanopore read errors to
one in a million with only 30 rereads.
The approach of Brinkerhoff et al. is not
only elegant but also compatible with com-
mercially available nanopore platforms.
However, the path toward proteomics will
remain challenging. There are ~40 million
proteins in a simple eukaryotic cell ( 10 ). At
an average length of 400 AA, the complete
proteome yields 16 billion AAs. For a low er-
ror rate, 20 rereads for a 26-AA polypeptide

requires 2 min. A single nanopore system
would need 20.5 million hours to analyze
the protein in an entire cell. Even current
commercial systems with 144,000 pores
would only reduce the read time of the cel-
lular proteome to ~1 week. As in genomics,
the question is likely to become whether the
full proteome is needed or whether a more
targeted approach will suffice.
A combination approach with other pro-
tein analysis methods seems inevitable. One
method involves single-molecule fluores-
cence on immobilized proteins, which can
identify hundreds of proteins by labeling
specific AAs ( 11 ). Additionally, protein iden-
tification has been achieved through pro-
tein fragmentation and subsequent nano-
pore readout ( 12 ). However, it is challenging
to adopt these approaches for quantitative
PTMs are another obstacle for nanopore-
based protein sequencing. There are hun-
dreds of PTMs that increase the potential

complexity of nanopore signals
( 13 ). Nevertheless, identifica-
tion of PTMs should be attain-
able with nanopore sensing and
has the potential to be combined
with PTM-specific labeling ( 14 ).
However, the molecular mass
of some modifications, such as
glycosylation, can substantially
surpass that of AAs and stop
peptide translocation through
nanopores. An enzymatic gly-
can-removal step could be nec-
essary before nanopore analysis
of native proteins, but with the
inevitable loss of information
on PTMs. Nanopore sensing
for PTMs seems possible with
biological nanopores where the
diameter is adapted to the tar-
get. Simultaneous sensing with
a range of different nanopores
could lead to a comprehensive
understanding of proteome and
protein isoform diversity.
For the goal of single-mole-
cule proteomics, more devel-
opments are required. Spatial
proteomics with single-cell
resolution will require the
positioning of target cells on
nanopore arrays. The design of
new nanopores with improved
chemical recognition to aid AA
and PTM discrimination seems
to move closer to reality with
the advent of protein-folding
predictions. The abundant
ionic current data will pose
new challenges for data analy-
sis. There are still many barri-
ers to overcome; however, the future looks
bright for true single-molecule readout-
based proteomics. j


  1. H. Brinkerhoff, A. S. W. Kang, J. Liu, A. Aksimentiev, C.
    Dekker, Science 374 , 1509 (2021).

  2. Y. Liu, A. Beyer, R. Aebersold, Cell 165 , 535 (2016).

  3. J. A. Alfaro et al., Nat. Methods 18 , 604 (2021).

  4. J. Clarke et al., Nat. Nanotechnol. 4 , 265 (2009).

  5. H. Ouldali et al., Nat. Biotechnol. 38 , 176 (2020).

  6. S. Yan et al., Nano Lett. 21 , 6703 (2021).

  7. S. Zhang et al., Nat. Chem. 13 , 1192 (2021).

  8. J. Nivala, D. B. Marks, M. Akeson, Nat. Biotechnol. 31 , 247

  9. P. Tripathi et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 118 ,
    e2016262118 (2021).

  10. B. Ho, A. Baryshnikova, G. W. Brown, Cell Syst. 6 , 192

  11. C. V. de Lannoy, M. Filius, R. van Wee, C. Joo, D. de Ridder,
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  12. F. L. R. Lucas, R. C. A. Versloot, L. Yakovlieva, M. T. C.
    Walvoort, G. Maglia, Nat. Commun. 12 , 5795 (2021).

  13. G. A. Khoury, R. C. Baliban, C. A. Floudas, Sci. Rep. 1 , 90

  14. L. Restrepo-Pérez, C. H. Wong, G. Maglia, C. Dekker, C.
    Joo, Nano Lett. 19 , 7957 (2019).

10.1126/science.a bn0001

A nanopore sequencer composed of a nanopore (turquoise) and a helicase (red) can
reread DNA-protein conjugates (yellow-purple) with single–amino acid resolution.

1444 17 DECEMBER 2021 • VOL 374 ISSUE 6574

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