Atheism And Theism - Blackwell - Philosophy

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

258 Index


abstractionism, 102–3, 105, 228, 230
action, aimed to good, 145– 6, 167
caused by desire?, 63 –4
actionsversus movements, 97–9, 145–6,
156, 167, 230
‘actual’ as indexical, 201–2
Adam, 105, 229
afterlife, 47–8, 79–80, 186, 228, 246,
agency, 96–7, 135, 167, 181
not explained by cause, 98–101,
110 –11, 145, 166–7, 181–2
rational, 101, 140–2, 144 –6, 167,
181–2, 189, 227
requires deliberation, 101
time of, 136–7, 180
unconscious, 158
writing as instance of, 97–9, 101,
144, 156
‘agent moved from within’, 145, 167–8,
180 –2
Alston, W., 222
altruism favoured by evolution, 13, 31,
analogical meaning, 28, 132, 183–4,
analytic/synthetic, ix, 37, 204, 206–7,

Anaxagoras, 216
angels, 25, 51, 62, 64, 68, 79, 189, 242
Anglicanism, 28, 48
anomalous monism, 227
Anselm, St, 33, 86, 198–201, 203, 205,
209, 234, 241–2
anthropic principle, 15–21, 109–10
bad arguments for, 16–19, 109
anthropocentrism, 24 –5, 28, 45, 66,
153–4, 176, 196, 212–13, 219,
anti-realism, 77–8, 194 –7, 232–3,
leads to theism, 232–6, 239
not contradictory of realism, 232–3
apostles, 59, 148, 185–7
Aquinas, 28, 35–7, 42, 47, 79, 81,
89, 102–4, 118–23, 127–8, 130,
132–3, 147–8, 160 –4, 180, 183–4,
189–90, 229–31, 233–6, 239–40,
First Way, 103–4, 120 –1, 130, 180,
229–30, 233–4
Second Way, 118–19, 121, 180, 233
Third Way, 35, 118–21, 160, 163,
180, 233
Fourth Way, 233
Fifth Way, 89, 233

Atheism and Theism, Second Edition
J.J.C. Smart, J.J. Haldane
Copyright © J.J.C. Smart and J.J. Haldane, 1996, 2003
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