Atheism And Theism - Blackwell - Philosophy

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Index 261

Descartes, R., 8, 23–4, 33, 198–200,
234, 242
descriptions, theory of, 33–4
design, appearance of, 21–7, 83, 85
designer, need of, 12–13
desire, higher order, 63
implying its object?, 246–8
strength of, 63–4, 166
‘determined’ and ‘chance’ not
contradictories, 144–5
determinism, 62–4, 98, 125–6, 144,
146, 166
distinct from predictability, 145, 155
incompatible with free will?, 62–4,
125, 144, 166
Dilthey, W., 173
doctrine, authoritative, 4, 80–1, 147–8,
184, 190
doomsday sects, 59, 186
dualism, 90, 98, 157, 217, 227
Dummett, M., 194–5, 232, 237–40
duty, acting for sake of, 64

earth, age of, 10 –11
Eckhart, Meister, 132
Einstein, A., 15
electronics, 153–4
elementary particles, 12
eliminativism, 91, 93, 96–8, 176, 227
emergence, 98, 105, 154, 178–9, 225–6,
ersatz worlds (see models)
eternal being acting on world, 43
eternity and sempiternity, 42–3, 122,
136–7, 160 –3, 200 –1, 209, 241–2
ethical attitudes, 31, 49
ethical terms, meaning of, 26, 30 –1
ethics, non-cognitivism, 31, 212
objectivism, 29–31, 216
sociobiological view of, 31
evidence-transcendence, 237–9
evil, 26, 29–30
as illusion, 138, 164
as privation, 139–42, 146, 164–6
as soul-making, 142–3

balance of, 61, 65, 142, 165–6,
evidential / logical problem of, 244–5
for the non-rational, 25, 143, 166
God’s response to, 138, 142–4, 244,
246, 248
gratuitous, 245–6
implied by good, 65, 139–44, 164–5,
incompatibility with God, 138–9,
142, 245
natural and moral, 30, 60–4, 137–41,
143–4, 146, 166, 246
nature of, 137–8
no surprise to atheist, 59–60
not directly created by God, 139–42,
problem of, 59–65, 137–44, 148,
164 –6, 212–13, 222, 244 –8
‘evil’ an attributive term, 139
evolution of eye, 11–12, 159, 214
evolution, Darwinian theory of, 10 –12,
22–3, 79–80, 85, 88–9, 91–2,
95–6, 152, 164–5, 176, 178,
212–14, 218, 224–6
opportunistic, 11, 159
evolutionary theory, what it can’t
explain, 107, 116
existence, as perfection, 33–4
as property, 33–4, 37, 198–200,
234–5, 242
cause of, 234–5
mental and real, 199–200, 202, 233,
235–7, 239–40
of numbers, 160
of propositions, 43
of the unconceived, 236–9
of universals, 43
tenseless, 34, 200–1, 207–9, 241
virtual/actual, 243–4
existential proof, 234–6
‘exists’, unambiguous, 200, 208
‘experience’, meaning of, 44, 46
explaining away, 44–6, 51–3, 56–9, 62,
76, 187–8, 215, 217
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