Atheism And Theism - Blackwell - Philosophy

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

268 Index

religious anti-realism, 81
community, 80, 148, 183, 191
desire, 161–2, 207–8, 217, 246–8
experience, 7, 43–6, 51, 147, 184,
experience dependent on culture, 45,
life as evidence, 46
replication, 13, 23, 89, 152, 159, 210,
origin of, 24, 89, 92–3, 95–6, 152–3,
178–9, 214 –15, 224 –6
power of, 92–5
representation, 93–4, 96, 155–6, 179,
182, 195–6, 229
as information, 155–6
origin of, 93–4
revelation, 57, 139, 147–8, 168, 182–3,
190 –1
Riecken, H., 59
rigid designator, 203–4
Roman Catholicism, 3–4, 47–8, 79,
147–8, 183, 222
Ross, W.D., 29–30
Russell, B., 25, 33, 35–6, 39, 47, 168,
200, 206
Ryle, G., 158, 202, 216–17

scepticism impractical, 50
Schachter, S., 59
Schufreider, G., 200
science, and theism in conflict, 7, 9–12,
15, 49–50, 78, 82–5, 108, 151
assumptions of, 1, 82–3, 85, 91, 110,
115, 176
justifying, 50
limitations of, 2, 91, 107–8, 111–12,
115, 126, 151–2, 178–9, 226,
motive for, 83
not anthropocentric, 15
not parochial, 20
purpose of, 45
subjects of, 87–8
versus understanding, 173–5, 182

sciences other than physics, 2, 11–13,
31, 87–8, 91, 110, 115, 152, 154,
173–4, 176, 178, 196–7, 213, 224
dispensable, 154 –5
scientific knowledge, 6–7, 134
scientific realism, 11–12, 66, 76, 79,
82–3, 95, 115, 176
scientism, 7, 82, 85, 173, 197
scripture, 4, 66, 80 –1, 127, 147–8, 168,
183–4, 189, 191
canon of, 184 –6
criticism of, 7, 54 –9, 184 –9, 215
self-realization, and loss, 140 –1, 165–6,
moral, 142–3
semantics, 174–5, 194, 200 –4
sense and reference, 133, 164, 172, 174
series, cause of, 36, 118–19, 121–3, 125,
180, 230–1
intrinsic causal, 122–3
causal,per se and per accidens, 230 –1
without beginning, 160, 180
set theory, 10, 39–41, 65, 106, 204,
mysterious, 41
Sidgwick, H., 202
significant ordering, 112–13
simplicity, 19, 26–8, 32, 40, 44, 131,
155, 162, 164, 173, 215–16
opposed to composite, 131–3, 136,
sin, 62, 68, 245
Singer, P., 31
Smith, N. Kemp, 22
Smolin, L., 210
sociobiology, 31
Socrates, 56, 203, 216
solar system, 53, 66–8, 152
something rather than nothing, why?,
30, 32, 37, 119–20, 163–4, 190,
205, 209, 247
Sorites paradox, 159
soul, Aristotelian kinds of, 140, 181
Cartesian, 9, 29
space, dimensions of, 17–18, 172
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