Atheism And Theism - Blackwell - Philosophy

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

270 Index

vague terms, 153, 159
vanity as motive for religion, 25
Vatican Council, First, 47
Vianney, Jean, St, 190
Vienna Circle, 204, 206
virtue and vice, 141, 143
vitalism, 90–1
voluntary action, 145, 167, 182

Waismann, F., 54
warrant, 217–18, 222
Weinberg, S., 154 –5
Whateley, Archbishop, 56

Whitehead, A.N., 39
Whitrow, J.G., 17–18
Wiggins, D., 31
Wilkes, K., 94, 156
Wittgenstein, L., 8, 28, 32, 38, 69,
102–5, 132, 151, 158, 204, 206,
216–17, 230
‘world’, sense of, 233
worship, worthy of, 69, 146, 205, 207,
Wright, C.J.G., 194 –5
Wright, N.T., 217

zealots, 58, 80, 185, 187–83
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