FHI 360 is an international nonprofit working to improve the health and
well-being of people in the United States and around the world. We partner
with governments, the private sector and civil society to bring about
positive social change and provide lifesaving health care, quality education
and opportunities for meaningful economic participation. We do this by
using research and evidence to design and deliver innovative programs
that change behaviors, increase access to services and improve lives.
FHI 360 is seekinga seasonedfundraisingprofessionalwhohasexperience
workingin a complexinternationalnonprofitorganizationacrossmultiplelines
of businessto serveastheManagingDirectorofitssubsidiary,FHIPartners.
FHIPartnersLLCwasestablishedto workwithcorporationsandfoundations
througha flexible,client-focusedbusinessmodel.FHIPartnersconnectsthe
FHI 360 family’simpressiveassets,includingourtechnicalexperts,country
officesandresearch,witha widervarietyof partners,makingthevalueand
effectivenessof FHI360’simpactmoreaccessibleforcorporationsand
TheManagingDirectorwillreportdirectlyto theCEOandworkin close
broadanddeeptechnicalexpertiseto buildinnovativeprogramswithpotential
fundersin areassuchas:pandemicpreparedness,globalhealthsecurity,
andclimatechangeandconflict.Theobjectivesof theseprogramsareto
closeequitygapsin criticalhumandevelopmentservicesaroundtheworld,
acceleratetheintroductionof emergingtechnologiesandexpandopportunities
formeaningfuleconomicparticipationandaccessto healthandeducation
At FHI 360, we envision an environment where our differences are
celebrated and embraced and where our team, partners and community
members feel valued and respected. We are committed to building and
nurturing a diverse, equitable and inclusive workforce and workplace.
The Managing Director will be responsible for building upon the organizational
vision to strategically identify, build, and cultivate long-term relationships
through membership and participation with private sector, multinationals,
foundations, ultra-high net worth individuals (UHNWI), and social enterprises
to maximize program impact on key human development and equity
challenges in the US and overseas.
The successful candidate will be a compelling connector and communicator
with leaders in business, government, and the funding, civic and nonprofit
We invite you to submit your resume and cover letter to: leadershipsearch@
FHI 360 is committed to creating a vibrant and inclusive work culture that is
equitable for employees of all backgrounds, cultures and levels.
http://www.fhi360.org http://www.fhipartners.org