different categories: strengthening the physics content
knowledge, preparing to teach physics or physical science,
and practicing new ways of teaching in multiple environ-
mentsclinical practice. In addition the program builds a
learning community of teacher candidates as they take
courses in cohorts and continuously interact with each other
during the two years of the program. What is extremely im-
portant here is that the Rutgers program does not end when
preservice teachers graduate and become high school physics
teachers. There is an infrastructure in place to help graduates
continue to interact with program faculty and each other
maintaining and strengthening the community of all pro-
gram graduatesand participate in a continuous professional
development program.
TableIIIshows the structure of the program for the post-
baccalaureate students. The students in the program take
general education courses with other preservice teachers in
the GSE; physics PCK courses and clinical practice are ar-
ranged so that the physics or physical science students are
separatein the technology course 50% of the work is with
the preservice life science teachers. All courses are 3-credit
courses unless otherwise noted.
TableIIIshows that there are six physics-specific teaching
methods courses that students take. Since it is impossible to
TABLE III. Coursework and clinical practice.
Coursework Clinical practice
General Education Physics PCK and physics As a student As a teacher
1/Fall 1. Educational
- Development of
ideas in
physical science
Teachas a part of a
2–3 student team
2 h in a class of
peers who act as
high school students
Work as an instructor
in reformed recitations
or laboratories
with the full
responsibility of a
TAno other instructor
is present in the room.
- Individual and
cultural diversity
- Teaching physical
Plan multiple
lessons and one
whole unit,
teach a lesson
in classas part of
a 2-student team.
- Technology in science
education - Upper level
physics elective
Observe 30 h of HS
lessonsteach a lesson or two,
reflect on experiences, conduct
interviews with students.
1/Summer 1. Assessment and
for teachers2 credits
- Research internship
in X-ray astrophysics
Observe HS students
learning physics,
astrophysics, and X-ray
research in a
summer program.
Teach sections in
introductory physics
summer courses
full responsibility.
2/Fall 1. Classroom
management1 credit
- Teaching internship
seminar for
physics students- Observe high school
physics instruction for
2 weeks, reflect on
teaching experiences
during the rest of the
semester, write lesson
and unit plans, tests.
2. Gradually assume
individual responsibilities
of a high school
physics teacher.
Plan, implement, and
assess lessons.
Plan, implement, and
assess one unit.
- Observe high school
- Teaching internship
9 credits
2/Spring 1. Ethics 1. Multiple representations
in physical science
Plan multiple lessons
and one whole unit;
teach a lesson.
Work as an instructor in
reformed recitations or
- Upper level laboratories.
physics elective
After graduation
Participate in web-based discussions, attend
meetings twice a month at the GSE,
participate in professional development.
Work as a high school physics or physical science
teacher and reflect on experiences.