after the activities were revised based on research did
student performance improve to the desired levels. In the
cases described above, an iterative approach to course
development informed by research on student learning
has led to significant improvements, but such an effort is
quite intensive and time-consuming, and well beyond the
typical expectations of course instructors.
In conclusion, we believe that we have learned a great
deal from the experience of developing, implementing,
and assessing Phys/Chem 102. This course is relatively
unusual as an example of continuing interdepartmental
collaboration that appears to be sustainable. We are
hopeful that our description of these experiences and se-
lected research findings can be of use to colleagues at other
See separate auxiliary material for the assessment,
MERIT essay, performance task, curriculum sample, inter-
active demonstration, research problems, and Table of
Contents for the Inquiry into Physical Science.
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