Mechanical Engineering Principles

(Dana P.) #1


Twisting of shafts

At the end of this chapter you should be
able to:

  • appreciate practical applications where
    torsion of shafts occur

  • prove that






  • calculate the shearing stressτ due to a

  • calculate the resulting angle of twist,θ,
    due to torque,T

  • calculate the power that can be transmitted
    by a shaft

10.1 Introduction

The torsion of shafts appears in a number of differ-
ent branches of engineering including the following:

(a) propeller shafts for ships and aircraft

(b) shafts driving the blades of a helicopter

(c) shafts driving the rear wheels of an automobile

(d) shafts driving food mixers, washing machines,
tumble dryers, dishwashers, etc.

If the shaft is overstressed due to a torque, so that
the maximum shear stress in the shaft exceeds the
yield shear stress of the shaft’s material, the shaft
can fracture. This is an undesirable phenomenon and
normally, it should be designed out; hence the need
for the theory contained in this chapter.

10.2 To prove that








In the formula






τ=the shear stress at radius r
T=the applied torque
J=polar second moment of area of the shaft
(note that for non-circular sections,Jis the
torsional constant and not the polar second
moment of area)
G=rigidity or shear modulus
θ=angle of twist, in radians, over its lengthL
Prior to proving the above formula, the following
assumptions are made for circular section shafts:

(a) the shaft is of circular cross-section

(b) the cross-section of the shaft is uniform along
its entire length

(c) the shaft is straight and not bent

(d) the shaft’s material is homogeneous (i.e. uni-
form) and isotropic (i.e. exhibits properties
with the same values when measured along dif-
ferent axes) and obeys Hooke’s law

(e) the limit of proportionality is not exceeded and
the angles of twist due to the torque are small
(f) plane cross-sections remain plane and normal
during twisting

(g) radial lines across the shaft’s cross-section
remain straight and radial during twisting.

Consider a circular section shaft, built-in at one end,
namelyA, and subjected to a torqueTat the other
end, namelyB, as shown in Figure 10.1.
Letθ be the angle of twist due to this torqueT,
where the direction ofT is according to the right
hand screw rule. N.B. The direction of a couple,
according to the right hand screw rule, is obtained
by pointing the right hand in the direction of the
double-tailed arrow and rotating the right hand in a
clockwise direction.
From Figure 10.1, it can be seen that:γ=shear
strain, and that

γL=Rθ ( 10. 1 )

providedθis small.
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